Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is the rewriting of content and code on a website and the generating of incoming links from other websites to get it to rank on Page 1 of the “natural” search engine results – the ones on the left hand-side that don’t cost you anything when someone clicks.
Many of our clients like to call these the “free” listings which is technically incorrect since they have to pay someone like us to engineer their way to Page 1. But SEO is a great addition to PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and can provide incremental revenue when used in tandem with PPC.
Using SEO as a standalone strategy works usually in a market where there are very few keywords that are significant and the competition is not already active in promoting their natural listings. For the other 99% of companies, PPC is the only tool that offers unlimited Page 1 presence for unlimited keywords with unlimited control over what the target sees. We are SEO- and PPC-neutral because all we care about is return on investment. If you have a product or service that you are considering advertising using SEO, please consult with us first by completing the form below.